Tigercat FPT Tier 4 DPF Regeneration

This morning we connected to a customer’s new TEXA to help initiate a DPF regeneration on a Tigercat with a Tier 4 Fiat Powertrain Technologies (FPT) engine.

DPF regeneration is one of the key features mechanics are looking for in a diagnostic diesel laptop due to the number of issues caused by clogged DPF filters. In addition to a suite of dealer level diagnostic tests, TEXA is available to perform parked DPF regen on most trucks and equipment. The DPF regeneration dashboard is one of the updates in TEXA Off-Highway diagnostic software version 18 that improves the information displayed during the regeneration process.

If you’d like to try the award winning heavy duty diagnostic scan tool, we have fully functional TEXA Demo Kits. The Demo Kit comes with diagnostic software and cables for commercial trucks, construction / agricultural / logging equipment.

Receive customized on-demand training, toll-free technical support and all TEXA Demo Kit rental fees are applied to subsequent TEXA purchases.

Call 1-855-326-8863 or email [email protected] for more information.

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